Meghan Markle's Dad Is Miffed Donald Trump Will Meet Queen Elizabeth II Before Him

Thomas Markle did not hold back when he weighed in on the monarch's reported upcoming meeting with the American Commander-in-Chief

By Samantha Schnurr Jun 26, 2018 5:58 PMTags
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Queen Elizabeth IISamir Hussein/WireImage

Thomas Markle has a bone to pick with the Queen of England—and it involves President Donald Trump

The American Commander-in-Chief will head across the pond next month for a "working visit" to England and, according to reports, will meet Queen Elizabeth II while he is there.

Meanwhile, Thomas doesn't sound too thrilled about the suspected introduction, considering he has yet to meet the monarch himself despite his daughter's marriage to her grandson Prince Harry in May. 

"If the Queen is willing to meet our arrogant, ignorant, and insensitive president, she has no excuse not to meet me." he told TMZ. "I'm nowhere near as bad." 

According  to the website, the retired lighting director thinks he is being penalized after he gave his first live television interview to Good Morning Britain last week and has not spoken with anyone from the palace since. 

A Look Back at Meghan Markle's Pre-Royal Life

It's no secret that Thomas faced a complicated series of events in the lead up to the royal wedding. Just days ahead of the ceremony, he was discovered to have staged photos with the paparazzi to improve his public image. He subsequently revealed that he had suffered a heart attack, sparked by the controversy,  and underwent heart surgery days later. Ultimately, he did not make the trip to England nor escort his daughter down the aisle at St. George's Chapel. 

"The doctors said,' This is what doctors call the widow maker,'" he said about his mounting heart issues on Good Morning Britain, which led to the surgery. "It would have killed me."

As anyone who watched the wedding knows, Meghan was escorted by her new father-in-law Prince Charles. Meanwhile, Thomas was watching from home. "She was beautiful. It was incredible watching her," he said. "I cried a little bit about it. She was so beautiful walking down that aisle and so proud and so gorgeous. I was very proud. I couldn't have seen a better moment in my life. I was very upset that it wasn't me, but the whole world was watching my daughter. I was very happy about that."

Still, he expressed regret over not being able to be there. 

"I'm a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history rather than the dad walking her down the aisle...So, that upsets me somewhat," he noted. "I regretted it because I really wanted to walk my daughter down the aisle...I wanted that moment. But I'm thankful for everything the way it went."

As it stands currently, Thomas has yet to meet not only the queen, but also his new son-in-law as well as Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

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