George H.W. Bush Hospitalized for Low Blood Pressure and Fatigue

Former commander-in-chief is at the Southern Maine Health Care center

By Meg Swertlow May 27, 2018 6:58 PMTags
Melania Trump, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush FuneralPaul Morse / Office of President George H.W. Bush

President George H.W. Bush is currently in a Maine hospital for issues related to low blood pressure and fatigue.

The former president's spokesperson, Jim McGrath, tweeted the news this morning, writing, "President @GeorgeHWBush was taken to Southern Maine Health Care (@SMHCHealth) today after experiencing low blood pressure and fatigue. He will likely remain there for a few days for observation. The former president is awake and alert, and not in any discomfort."

Bush recently lost his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush, who died at the age of 92 on April 17.

The former president was also hospitalized on April 22. The family spokesperson revealed following the hospitalization, "President Bush was admitted to the Houston Methodist Hospital yesterday morning after contracting an infection that spread to his blood. He is responding to treatments and appears to be recovering. We will issue additional updates as events warrant."

Christopher J. Morris/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images

A few days later, the spokesperson announced that Bush had been moved from the intensive care unit at Houston Methodist Hospital to a regular patient room, and was "expected to continue his recovery there for several more days. He is alert and talking with hospital staff, family and friends, and his doctors are very pleased with his progress,"

McGrath added, "President Bush naturally thanks everyone for their prayers and good wishes. He also wants to assure everyone that, as good as he feels now, he is more focused on the Houston Rockets closing out their playoff series against the Minnesota Timberwolves than anything that landed him in the hospital."

In a statement following Barbara's death, the president said, "I always knew Barbara was the most beloved woman in the world, and in fact I used to tease her that I had a complex about that fact. But the truth is the outpouring of love and friendship being directed at The Enforcer is lifting us all up. We have faith she is in heaven, and we know life will go on—as she would have it. So cross the Bushes off your worry list."

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