
Behind the Windsor Castle Walls: Inside the Last Day Before the Royal Wedding

With 24 hours until the highly anticipated nuptials, here's what the Windsor Castle staff are up to

By Samantha Schnurr May 18, 2018 4:02 PMTags
Windsor Castle, Royal Wedding 2018AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth

The countdown to the royal wedding is officially on! 

With roughly 24 hours until Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's long-awaited nuptials, the festivities around Windsor Castle have kicked into high gear. As royal fans from all around the world flock to the town to experience the wedding fervor and members of the media assume their positions to capture every moment, inside the castle walls, there's not as much hustle and bustle, but instead, an "exciting energy."

"Behind the castle walls, it's hard to believe that all the madness and mayhem is happening outside," a source told E! News. According to the source, castle staff is hard at work handling the finishing touches before the big day.

For example, some employees are busy sweeping up the sidewalks and the walkway leading into St. George's Chapel, where 600 guests are expected to take their seats tomorrow to watch the bride and groom exchange vows.

Meanwhile, more than 2,000 additional members of the public have been invited onto the Windsor Castle grounds tomorrow to watch the arrivals and participate in the special day

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Meanwhile, the floral decor is also taking shape as racks of green plants, white flowers and pale pink roses are waiting outside the chapel, the source described. An entranceway is adorned with greenery and has a very festive, springtime feel. 

Some workers are busy manicuring the property as a lawnmower can be heard and one employee paints iron rods holding up rope around the grassy area where members of the public will gather tomorrow.

Media tents can be seen erected on the roof across from St. George's Chapel, which will ensure a good view of all the arrivals on Saturday.

While the work subtly continues, the bride and groom arrived to Windsor Castle earlier Thursday, reportedly for afternoon tea with Queen Elizabeth II

Additionally, Markle's mother Doria Ragland will reportedly join them for lunch, marking the first time she will meet the monarch. It has also been reported that Prince Philip will also be in attendance. 

Following the day's schedule of events, Markle and her mother will check into the Cliveden House Hotel in Taplow, Berkshire for the night while the groom will head 15 miles away to the Dorchester Collection's Coworth Park in Ascot, where he and Best Man Prince William will spend the night. The soon-to-be husband and wife will reunite at the altar inside St. George's Chapel on Saturday. 

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