Hugh Jackman Teases Ryan Reynolds: "Play a Little Hard to Get"

"I'm trying to get him to play Wolverine again and he won't listen," the Deadpool 2 actor explains

By Zach Johnson May 15, 2018 12:55 PMTags

Ryan Reynolds is relentless.

Hugh Jackman ended his run as Wolverine after last year's Logan, but Reynolds is determined to bring him out of retirement for a possible Deadpool crossover. When Reynolds appeared on ABC's Good Morning America Tuesday, Jackman pleaded with Reynolds to leave him alone. "Hey, buddy! How are you mate? Ryan, I love you man. I love Deadpool. I can't wait to see the movie. You're one of my best friends—Blake, the fam, the whole thing. But back it up a little, right? Play a little hard to get. It's too much," Jackman said in a video. "It's not sexy. Am I right?"

With a laugh, Reynolds explained to George Stephanopoulos, "I'm trying to get him to play Wolverine again and he won't listen. He insists on singing and dancing brilliantly elsewhere."

Jackman is riding high after The Greatest Showman's surprising success at the box office, but Reynolds has no intention of quitting his quest to bring him back as Wolverine. "I'm going to have to step up my game a little," he said. "I'm going to just post his cell phone number online."

Reynolds was on Good Morning America to promote Deadpool 2, in theaters Friday. The first movie was an 11-year labor of love, a project he championed even before he first played the lead role in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Released in 2016, Deadpool earned a whopping $783.1 million on a $58 million budget—but Reynolds doesn't feel the pressure to match the first film's success. "We're still aiming for the middle and somehow that works. What's great about Deadpool is Deadpool doesn't really care; the character just sort of does exactly what he wants. I think that's what people love," he said. "That's why audiences connect with him, and I also think they connect because we're having so much fun onscreen. We truly are. It's the role of a lifetime for me. We're having so much fun onscreen; I think it translates to the audience."

As expected, plenty of jokes in the sequel will be made at Reynolds' expense.

"I love laughing at me," he told Stephanopoulos. "I'm Deadpool's favorite target."

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