Awkward! Ryan Reynolds Recalls Getting a High Five From a Fan Whose Wife Was "Half Dead"

That's one fan encounter the Deadpool star will never forget

By Elyse Dupre May 11, 2018 8:30 PMTags

Talk about an awkward fan encounter!

During Friday's episode of The Graham Norton Show, Ryan Reynolds recalled receiving a high five from a fan whose wife was being rolled away on a stretcher.

Here's what happened: Reynolds had just boarded a plane when he spotted two honeymooners sitting nearby. Before the plane took off, he noticed the wife had become "violently and horribly ill." 

"It was not, like, a pretty little sick bag kind of thing," he told Graham Norton. "It was just like I'm going to paint with my organs. Like, it was just crazy."

People started "freaking out," Reynolds recalled, and the woman was taken away in a stretcher. As she was being wheeled away, her husband noticed Reynolds and yelled, "Deadpool! No way! High five!"

The actor admitted he was a little hesitant to touch the man's hand.

"I'm like, ‘What does she got?'" he said.

Still, he felt like the husband should have been focusing on his sick spouse. 

"By the way, your wife is like half dead," Reynolds said, recalling the incident. "Help her. Help her, man."

It was certainly a moment the actor will never forget. 

"It was just a very surreal moment," he said. "I'm sure they're fine. I'm sure they're on their second anniversary just kicking it somewhere."

Watch the video to hear him tell the whole story.

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