Tiffany Haddish Claims a Drugged Out Actress "Bit Beyoncé in the Face"

The comedienne tells GQ all about her wild night with Queen Bey

By Zach Johnson Mar 26, 2018 1:45 PMTags
Tiffany Haddish, GQArt Streiber/GQ

Beyoncé and Jay-Z throw some wild parties—sometimes unintentionally.

Tiffany Haddish was invited to one of the couple's bashes in December 2017, where she managed to snag a selfie with Beyoncé. Haddish later claimed that the singer agreed to take a picture with her as a means to prevent her from hitting a woman who had gotten too close to Jay-Z. Now, in GQ's April issue (on stands now), Haddish is sharing new details about the event.

Beyoncé approached Haddish and said, "I'm Beyoncé," as if it were no big deal. There was also an actress who was "just, like, doing the most-est," Haddish says. "She bit Beyoncé in the face."

Say whaaat?

Tiffany Haddish's Career Firsts
Tiffany Haddish/Instagram

Haddish declines to name the actress, and Beyoncé's rep says she "cannot comment" on the alleged incident, as she has "no knowledge" of it. Haddish continues, "Beyoncé stormed away, went up to Jay-Z, and was like, 'Jay! Come here! This bitch—' and snatched him. They went to the back of the room. I was like, 'What just happened?' And Beyoncé's friend walked up and was like, 'Can you believe this bitch just bit Beyoncé?'" From there, "a lot of things happened."

Haddish kept bumping into the actress throughout the night, culminating in a brief standoff. At one point, as the couple happened to be walking by, the actress told Haddish to stop dancing. So, Haddish tapped Beyoncé and told her, "I'm going to beat somebody ass at your party. I just want to let you know that." Beyoncé asked her to calm down, telling her to "have fun" instead.

To diffuse the situation, Beyoncé took a selfie. "Near the end of the party, Beyoncé's at the bar, so I said to Beyoncé, 'Did she really bite you?' She was like, 'Yeah.' I was like, 'She gonna get her ass beat tonight,'" Haddish remembers. "She was like, 'Tiffany, no. Don't do that. That bitch is on drugs. She not even drunk. The bitch is on drugs. She not like that all the time. Just chill.'"

For weeks afterward, Haddish tried to remain vague about what happened that night. But eventually, she had to tell the story. As she tells GQ, "There's people out here biting Beyoncé!"

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