O.J. Simpson Shares "Hypothetical" Account of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman's Murders

Previously unaired Fox interview with controversial athlete debuts Sunday night

By Samantha Schnurr Mar 12, 2018 2:48 PMTags
OJ Simpson, O.J. Simpson, Nicole Brown SimpsonRon Galella/WireImage

More than two decades after the notorious murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, O.J. Simpson is back in the headlines. 

On Sunday night—12 years after the fact—Fox aired a previously unseen interview between Simpson and radio host Judith Regan in which he described what he called a "hypothetical" account of the events surrounding his late estranged wife and her friend's murders in 1994. The interview, which was conducted around the time of his book, If I Did It, was previously shelved due to public uproar. The book was initially planned for publish under Regan's former HarperCollins Publishers imprint, ReganBooks.

During the never-before-aired footage of the sit-down, Simpson makes references to a mystery man and recent friend named Charlie, with whom he said during the hypothetical account he went to Nicole's home. 

The Biggest Scandals of the '90s
Lee Celano/WireImage

As Simpson told the "hypothetical" story, he explained how he and Charlie got into his infamous Bronco and drove to Nicole's house after Charlie told him he had been by the home and said O.J. wouldn't believe was was going on over there. 

They hypothetically parked in the alley and took the knife under O.J.'s seat. "I believe he took it," Simpson said, referring to Charlie. After confirming he went through the back gate,  he described there being music on inside the house when a guy showed up that Simpson said he didn't really recognize. Regan identified him as Goldman and Simpson noted, "in the mood I was in, I started having words with him." Then, according to the hypothetical, Simpson and Goldman broke out into a verbal fight, Nicole came out and Simpson said they started "having words." As Simpson described, he didn't like when Nicole told him to leave because, "if you read the book," there had been events leading up to that night that were "very, very irritated."

Simpson said he remembered Nicole fell and hurt herself.  "I think Charlie had followed this guy in—wanted to make sure there was no problem and he brought the knife," Simpson said. "As things got heated, I just remember Nicole fell and hurt herself and this guy kind of got into a karate thing."

"I remember I grabbed the knife I do remember that portion—taking the knife from Charlie and, to be honest, after that I don't remember except I'm standing there. There's all kind of stuff around…blood and stuff around," he continued. "I hate to say this, but this is hypothetical," he adds while laughing. 

"I don't think any two people could be murdered the way they were without everybody being covered in blood," he continued. 

In regard to the infamous glove found at the scene, Regan said "you write about removing a glove before taking the knife from Charlie."

"I had no conscious memory of doing that, but I must have because they found the glove there," Simpson answered. 

Simpson was ultimately acquitted of the murders in 1995 and, in a 1997 civil trial, found liable for their wrongful deaths.  

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