Michael B. Jordan Fan Breaks Her Retainer After Seeing Him Shirtless in Black Panther

Actor offers to replace his teen fan's retainer after she breaks it watching a scene from the hit film

By Meg Swertlow Mar 07, 2018 11:26 PMTags
Michael B. Jordan, Black PantherMatt Kennedy/Marvel Studios

Oh snap! Literally.

An 18-year-old named Sophia Robb, who broke her retainer while watching Michael B. Jordan's shirtless scene in Black Panther, is finding herself at the center of a viral storm after her orthodontist blogged about the possibly embarrassing incident and the world took notice. And then she did too.

But lucky for her, the retainer-breaking teen isn't the only one who spotted the viral story—her film crush did as well and soon took to Twitter to offer to replace the pricey piece of metal and plastic. Talk about a silver lining! 

All the hubbub started after Sophia's orthodontist wrote about what went down on his Tumblr (without her knowledge, it should be said).

Earlier in the week, the blog-happy orthodontist wrote, "One of my patients came in for an emergency visit, because she snapped the wire on her retainer watching the movie when MBJ took his shirt off she clenched her teeth so fucking hard she snapped it. that is the fucking funniest shit ever to me this tiny 17 year old girl thirsting so goddamn hard she busted steel."

Quickly, the post received over 240,000 notes—and one of the lookyloos just happened to be the "tiny 17 year old girl," who has been quick to clarify that she's in fact 18.

On Monday, Sophia took to Twitter to write, "Wait. That girl is me. That is my orthodontist's tumblr. This is a post about me? I'm going to kill myself."

Black Panther's Hollywood Premiere


Sophia's tweet has been liked over 500,000 times and and has more than 130,000 retweets and over 1,000 comments. 

One such commenter just so happened to be Jordan himself, who wrote to his super fan, "@pixyrue since I feel partly responsible for breaking your retainers let me know if I can replace them."


Sophia further tweeted that, "Michael B Jordan replied to my DM wow this is the best day of my life."

Hilariously enough, Sophia's dad even had some fun with his sudden Internet star daughter, writing fans that she was doing okay (after people were concerned about her joke about killing herself) and wrote that, "Her family has already set aside funds sufficient to purchase yet another retainer, in anticipation of Mr. Jordan's next film. Rest easy."

Hopefully, Mr. Jordan will put his money where his mouth is—or where his tweets are and replace the broken item.

For those of you who haven't seen his shirtless scene, Black Panther is still roaring along in theaters, making over $1 billion internationally so far.

So if you are still thirsting to check it (and Michael B.) out, maybe just don't wear your retainer.

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