David Otunga Cleared in Jennifer Hudson Domestic Battery Investigation

Police had been looking into claims made by the singer against her ex in November

By Jess Cohen Jan 11, 2018 10:05 PMTags

David Otunga has reportedly been cleared in the Jennifer Hudson domestic violence investigation.

Back in November, the couple ended their relationship after 10 years together and Hudson received a protective order against Otunga. E! News received the order of protection Hudson filed with her local police department at the time, in which she alleged Otunga grabbed their son by the hand and also claimed Otunga then pushed her.

According to TMZ, police had been investing Otunga for domestic battery since November and they have since completed their investigation and Otunga will not be charged in the case.

Back on Nov. 17, Hudson's rep told E! News that the singer and Otunga "have been in the process of ending their relationship for a number of months. Today, Jennifer requested and received a protective order against her ex-fiancé. Jennifer's actions are solely taken in the best interest of their son. Please respect her privacy at this time."

Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga Break Up, Singer Receives Protective Order Against Ex-Fiancé
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

That same day, Otunga's attorney Tracy Rizzo told E! News, "David Otunga has been trying to negotiate the terms of an amicable parenting agreement with Ms. Hudson for several weeks now. However, when it became apparent to Ms. Hudson that Mr. Otunga would be the parent granted residential care of the child, as a result of Mr. Otunga being the child's primary caregiver while Ms. Hudson pursues her career all over the world, Ms. Hudson decided to file a meritless Petition for Order of Protection in an effort to gain an unfair advantage in the custody dispute. As a result of Mr. Otunga's career in the WWE, Ms. Hudson felt that she could give an award winning performance in court to portray herself as the victim. Mr. Otunga has never abused or harassed Ms. Hudson or their son, and it is unfortunate, especially in today's climate, that she would feel the need to make these false allegations against him. Mr. Otunga looks forward to his day in court and in being awarded the residential care of the parties' only child."

Jennifer Hudson Accuses David Otunga of "Aggressive" Behavior, Taunting Her With a Gun

A day later, Otunga's attorney issued a second statement to E! News in which it was stated, "Mr. Otunga has now had the opportunity to review the petition for order of protection that Jennifer Hudson filed on Nov. 16, 2017 and he wants to make it very clear that he denies each and every allegation contained in that petition."

On Thursday afternoon, Otunga posted a quote by Gandhi on Instagram which says, "Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear."

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