Zac Efron, Hugh Jackman, Zendaya and James Corden Take Their Crosswalk Performance to Broadway

In a new version of Crosswalk the Musical, the cast of The Greatest Showman performs several numbers on the streets of New York

By Elyse Dupre Dec 15, 2017 3:13 PMTags

James Corden took the The Late Late Show's Crosswalk the Musical group to Broadway on Thursday and invited Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron and Zendaya to join his cast for a theatrical performance of The Greatest Showman and other popular shows.

Corden's ensemble was so excited to meet their newest cast mates that Corden had to spritz them with a spray bottle to keep them at bay. However, things took a more serious turn when Jackman presented Corden with a list of song suggestions and the host ripped it in half.

"Look, Huge is a very talented man," Corden explained, butchering the actor's name. "But he's got to realize that while he might be playing the Greatest Showman I have to live up to the mantle of actually being the Greatest Showman. And so I will do what it takes to achieve perfection."

Hugh Jackman Sings Praises to Zac Efron in "Greatest Showman"

Indeed, Corden wasn't afraid to push his ensemble's limits. While rehearsing a few dance moves, the late night host chucked everything from pizza to hot dogs at his cast to give them a sense of what they might dodge while performing on the streets. There also seemed to be a bit of tension rising between Jackman and Corden.

Nevertheless, it seemed like all of their hard work paid off. The cast took the corner of 53rd Street and Broadway to perform their show. Dressed in costume, the cast performed numbers from "Guys and Dolls" and "On the Town" while dodging cars and dealing with the unpleasant rattling of hot dog carts.

"I mean that was amazing. It exceeded all of my expectations," Zendaya said. "That being said, there was a mugging going on that we did absolutely nothing about. Other than that it was great."

However, Corden and Jackman got into a bit of a tiff right before the grand finale in which Jackman played the film's lead and Corden played the bearded lady. In fact, things got so heated that Jackman pretended to punch Corden—causing the host to fake a faint.

"I'm sorry, Hugh. I am. I'm sorry," Corden said. "Look, you're Hugh Jackman. You know? You can sing; you can dance; you can act. You're the only person on this entire planet who is almost as talented as me, and I felt threatened by you and I'm sorry."

Thankfully, the two were able to put their squabble behind them for two final show-stopping (and traffic-stopping) numbers.

Watch the video to see the cast's performance—and to see Efron attempt to ride a tiny tricycle.

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