Camille Grammer Treated for Cancer Again

Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member was recently diagnosed with skin cancer and had had surgery for a different type of cancer in 2013

By Corinne Heller Dec 14, 2017 5:58 PMTags
Camille Grammer, Skin Cancer, Oncologist, SurgeryInstagram

Camille Grammer was recently treated for skin cancer, almost four years after she was declared to be cancer-free after battling a different type.

The 49-year-old former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member and ex-wife of Frasier star Kelsey Grammer posted on Instagram on Thursday photos of herself post-surgery in a Los Angeles hospital room, including one with her oncologist.

"Thank you Dr. Beth Karlan for removing those pesky cancer cells. You are Amazing!" she wrote. "This is my second cancer diagnoses. Thank God We found it early. (squamous cell carcinoma) *Early detection is key. My cancer was removed and I'm resting at home. Ladies listen to your bodies. If something doesn't seem right go for a checkup. Don't put it off. Annual check ups are important. @cedarssinai @foundationforwomenscancer#cancerwarrior #cancer #cancerawerness."

Squamous cell carcinoma has an excellent prognosis if caught early, although it has the potential to reoccur.

Celeb Cancer Survivors

In 2013, Camille underwent a hysterectomy after being diagnosed with an early stage endometrial cancer.

In January 2015, she celebrated one year of being in remission.

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