Jessie James Decker Catches Her Son Opening a Christmas Present—and His Reaction Is Too Cute

Famous mom catches her little guy red-handed with an opened gift

By Samantha Schnurr Dec 06, 2017 6:42 PMTags
Eric Decker Jr, Jessie James DeckerInstagram

Little Eric Decker, it's time to learn you'll never be able to hide anything from your mama. 

Jessie James Decker and Eric Decker's 2-year-old son was a youngster on a mission on Tuesday as the toddler eyed some gifts sitting under the tree. 

"Caught Bubby for the 5th time trying to open presents after he already snuck and opened one already," his famous mom shared with fans on Instagram. "He teared up and gave me the lip."

While the little guy looked adorable in a pair of Ninja Turtles pajamas, his pout didn't convince Jessie to let him dig into the gifts. It seems once his mama was out of sight, Eric Jr. tried anyway. 

"Caught! This was literally 20 minutes after I posted that lip pic," the Eric & Jessie star quipped on social media. The little guy was caught red-handed with wrapping paper in his hands and a hilariously guilty expression on his face. 


It's a lesson he can teach his younger sister and future little brother when he arrives in March. 

"Eric and I are so excited to share with y'all that we are expecting baby Decker number 3!" the expectant mom announced on social media in October. "As you can see Viv is so happy and Bub doesn't quite know what's going on, but we are over the moon and feel so blessed and can't wait to meet this little one end of March."

Fortunately, little Eric has a few more months to get used to the idea of another sibling—and possible future gift-sneaking partner-in-crime. 

In the meantime, he'll just have to learn to stay away from the presents until Christmas—or at least, to look out for mom. 

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