9 Fun Facts You Might Not Know About MTV's Total Request Live

The hit show returns October 1

By Kendall Fisher Oct 02, 2017 1:00 PMTags

You guys, try to hold your chill...MTV's Total Request Live returns tonight


OK, you done? We are.

The freak out is undeniable because the hit show is returning for the first time since 2008, and we're feeling super nostalgic...Remember those days rushing home after school to catch Britney Spears or Eminem's live performance? Or calling in to vote for your favorite music video, time after time after time? Or recording the shows you missed on VHS (!!!) just so you could watch them in full when you got home?

But even though we all might have been crazy-obsessed TRL fans, there are some things you might not know...

TRL Will Return in October: Looking Back at the Show's 15 Most Memorable Moments

E! News chatted all things TRL with the show's executive producer, Tony DiSanto, who co-created TRL alongside Carson Daly. He revealed some fun, behind-the-scenes facts that you may not have known about the show as well as some of his favorite memories.

"TRL was really a 'happening' every day for us at MTV," DiSanto recalled. "The whole studio would be buzzing with energy. Many times, what was happening behind the scenes at the studio rivaled what was going on on-camera."

He continued, "The show helped break stars, artists, movies, shows. It reflected the audience and the pop culture they loved, while also creating pop culture."

One of the things DiSanto loved about TRL was that it was live—meaning, anything could happen at any moment.

"It was about different personalities helping us make great TV by being themselves and doing the unexpected," he explained. "As much as we would prepare and try and create great segments on the show, you couldn't prepare for every scenario. And for me, the greatest moments were when something real and truly unexpected and unprepared happened...That sense of 'teetering near the edge' was the lifeblood of the show."

DiSanto recalled how Eminem and 'N Sync would cause masses of fans to gather outside the studio, how Daly really held the show together and even how they ended up discovering VJ Hilarie Burton (in the oddest way!).

Launch the video above for 9 fun facts you might now know about the show!

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