The Mummy London Premiere Canceled After Manchester Bombing

Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe and Annabelle Wallis have been promoting the movie in Australia this week

By Zach Johnson May 25, 2017 2:00 PMTags
Tom Cruise, Alex Kurtzman, Annabelle Wallis, Sofia BoutellaMANDY CHENG/AFP/Getty Images

Universal Pictures has canceled the London premiere for The Mummy in light of the attack at the Manchester Arena earlier in the week; a 22-year-old suicide bomber detonated a device at the end of an Ariana Grande concert Monday, killing 22 people and injuring at least 64 others.

"All of us at Universal have been devastated by the terror attack in Manchester and continue to stand with the community and country as it recovers," a spokesperson for the studio said in a statement Thursday. "Out of respect to those affected by this tragedy we have decided not to move forward with the London premiere for The Mummy scheduled to take place next week."

Universal Pictures' red carpet event was scheduled to occur June 1.

Movie Premieres: Red Carpets and Parties!

The film—starring Sofia Boutella, Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Jake Johnson, Marwan Kenzari, Courtney B. Vance and Annabelle Wallis—debuts June 9 in the U.S., in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D. The world tour kicked off May 20 with a special event in L.A. After the attack, Boutella tweeted, "I am deeply heart broken for the young innocent lives that have been lost in Manchester today. my thoughts & prayers are with their families." Crowe also spoke out, tweeting, "There's no words I could write here that could even begin to touch the sadness I feel for the great people of Manchester. My heart goes out to everybody effected by the horror of recent events in Manchester, and to Ariana." Many of the cast members, as well as director Alex Kurtzman, spent the next few days in Australia. "I'm so grateful to this cast and our director for making The Mummy such an unforgettable experience," Cruise tweeted Tuesday after the premiere. The cast traveled to Tapei Thursday, where they held a press conference and took photos with fans.

News of The Mummy's premiere cancellation comes one day after Warner Bros. scratched the premiere and press junket for Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot, debuting June 2 in the U.S.

On Tuesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May raised the terrorism threat level from "severe" to "critical" and warned that another attack on the U.K. may be "imminent." Since Monday night, policemen in the U.K. have arrested six men and one woman in connection to the attack.

(E! and Universal Pictures are both members of the NBCUniversal family.)

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