Amy Schumer and Boyfriend Ben Hanisch Split After Almost 2 Years of Dating

Couple began dating in January 2016

By Lily Harrison May 16, 2017 11:42 PMTags

Amy Schumer has been busy traveling the world to promote her flick Snatched, but one person has been conspicuously missing from her side: her boyfriend Ben Hanisch.

The actress' rep tells E! News: "Amy and Ben have ended their relationship after thoughtful consideration and remain friends."

A source tells us that "as time went on they realized they weren't on the same page or heading in the same direction."

While the reason for their split remains unknown at this time, the one-time loved-up duo has not actually been seen together since January. That coupled with the fact that neither had posted on social media about one another were tell-tale signs that the two were headed (or already in) Splitsville.

Just a few weeks ago, the actress told Howard Stern that she and Ben were not "in talks" to get married and that the two met on the dating app Raya.

"He was my first match," she explained. "The picture was him dancing with his grandma at like a wedding. It was really cute."

"There are so many douches on there. Just like, it's like, a lot of shirts off, it's like the guys all have a lot of mandatory shot in Europe where they're holding an old timey camera wearing like a scarf, doing a cannonball off a rock...or a motorcycle pic."


Amy Schumer Considers Ben Hanisch Her First Boyfriend: "I Feel So Bad for Him"

Schumer has never shied from sharing about her relationship in the past and even admitted that the Chicago furniture designer was her first real boyfriend ever.

"I feel like Ben is the first guy who's really been my boyfriend," she said in a Marie Claire interview last year. "There are guys who, if they heard me say that, would want to punch me in the face, but yeah, it's the truth."

Though her ex had met her friends (famous and otherwise) and her family, the star said her relationship was certainly overwhelming at times.

"Being in love is the scariest thing in the world. You want to f--king cry and scream. I can't handle it. Every time we say goodbye, I think, 'This will have been a nice last week together.' Or I tell myself nothing is real and he's going to leave me and tell me he never loved me," she told the magazine. "I feel so bad for him. How exhausting it must be dating me." 

A few months after Schumer's relationship first made headlines, the star appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, and talked about her new romance.

"We met and like totally fell in love and it's been really good, and it became viral Internet news. I think it's because he's really cute and people were like, 'What? Dating Amy? He has all his teeth!' Like, people were shocked. They were shocked."

She also shared a funny story about Hanisch's mom, Deb, who went to perhaps unusual lengths when trying to avoid media reports surrounding Schumer and Hanisch's relationship.

"His family is so nice. They live in Illinois. His mom's the most excited person you'll ever meet in your life. Her name is Deb and she's just like, 'Oh, my gosh!' You know the girls on The Bachelor, whenever they walk into a hotel room they act like they've never seen one before? They're like, 'Ahh! A couch! A mug! A lamp!' She is like that. At dinner she's like, 'Bottled water!' It's really cute. So, I told her, 'Deb, they're going to call you. Just say 'no comment.' And she's like, 'Oh, I got it, Amy. Don't you worry. No comment. Not a problem,'" Schumer recalled to Fallon. "Not even 10 minutes later I get a Google alert from TIME magazine that Deb was like, 'I've never heard of her before in my life!' Too far, Deb! Too far. You took it too far, Deb. She's so sweet."

Neither Amy nor Ben have commented on their split on social media.


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