Sense8's Jamie Clayton on Being Out, Season 2's "Amazing Stunts" and Her Favorite Thing About Nomi

Get the scoop on all the flashbacks ahead in the Netflix drama

By Chris Harnick May 05, 2017 1:49 PMTags
Watch: Jamie Clayton Reveals "Sense8" Spoilers & Special Message

The Sensates are back and wilder than ever. Season two of Sense8, which is now streaming on Netflix, is bolder and louder. As Sense8 star Jamie Clayton told us, "Oh my god, it's so good."

Not knee-deep in the binge yet? Well, how about this for a tease?

"I can tell you it's going to take off, it's going to be really fast. One of my favorite things about it is there's going to be tons of origin stories of BPO [Biologic Preservation Organization] and Whispers, Angel and Jonas. I love a good flashback, there's tons of flashbacks," Clayton told us. "Because the Sensates now know how to visit and share you're going to see a lot more of the different Sensates with each other, which I love, because we all got to travel to these 16 amazing places for season two, and visit and share…There's tons of amazing stunts and fight scenes and car chases—oh my god, it's so good."

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Season two picks up where season one left off with the Sensates together and on the run from Whispers. Can they live among each other? Their very survival depends on it.

Clayton plays Nomi, one of the eight Sensates. She said her favorite part about her character, a trans woman hacktivist, is, "her love for Amanita and the love that they share with each other."

As a trans woman, both on the show and in real life, Clayton said what Hollywood and the world can do for more representation was have more people being themselves.

"I just really love being myself and being visible. Nobody has to carry a flag and wave a sign or wave a flag and carry a sign—whatever it is. Just be out, and if you're proud of who you are then other people will be proud of you too," she said. "I learned that lesson pretty young and it's what changed my life."

Sense8 season two is now streaming on Netflix.

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