Halle Berry Uses This Facial-in-a-Box to Get Red Carpet Skin at Home

Consider yourself your own facialist

By Taylor Stephan Jan 27, 2017 12:00 PMTags
ESC: Red Carpet Facial, Halle BerryDavid Livingston/Getty Images

Celebs, they're just like us.

OK, not really...but any time you can do what they're doing—especially in terms of beauty—you'd jump on the opportunity, right?

Now, all thanks to Halle Berry, you can have the same red carpet facial they're doing right at home. 

One day, while getting a treatment with celeb aesthetician Olga Lorecin, Halle mentioned: "I need this treatment to travel with when I'm on a trip." With feedback like that, the pro immediately called her chemist and promptly converted her infamous peels into take-home kits that clients (like Eva Mendes and Viola Davis) could take with them on-the-go.

Now, pretty much everyone who's anyone in Hollywood has one handy, and you can too! Here's what you need to know about Olga's Red Carpet Facial in a Box.

This take-home kit can be yours for $105 and it includes a gentle lactic acid peel, a serum-like neutralizer and a hydrating mask. "This is exactly the system we do in the facial room," she said. And it's the first step, the peel, that's the key ingredient. "Let me tell you the difference between a peel and a scrub: Never use a scrub on your face, number one. A peel exfoliates evenly and cleanly, while a scrub exfoliates unevenly and leaves micro-tears," she noted.

She likened exfoliating to cleaning a soiled baking dish. "If you have remnants in a baking dish, there's two ways to clean it. One, you can scrub it off and the other way is you soak it in hot water with a little detergent then leave it overnight. What happens? Everything just comes off."

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While professional peels can be harsh, this one is made with all-natural lactic acid (which actually comes from raw milk), it's super-gentle and perfect for every skin type—you can even use it every day. To apply, use the brush to smear the clear formula on clean skin and leave it on for five to 10 minutes. Next, paint the serum-like neutralizer product right over the peel.

"My neutralizer has a baking soda ingredient and a little amino acid in it," she said. When you layer it directly on top of the peel it creates a bubbling, effervescent chemical reaction. "Think of it like steam cleaning your carpet…when the neutralizer hits your face it seeps deep in your pores." Expect a slight tingling sensation, but nothing aggressive or aggravation.

And you don't need to rinse off the neutralizer, either. "Massage all those good ingredients in like a serum," recommended the expert. Next, slather the mask on. "The mask is anti-aging. It has Robusta, Lysate and seaweed—all ingredients that calm." This third step is over-the-top hydrating, but that's the key to lasting, dewy red-carpet skin. 

You can leave the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes, or for even more hydration, the pro recommended going to bed with your mask on. Simply wake up, rinse off and you'll notice that your skin is supple and refreshed. 

Hollywood, here you come!

Olga Lorencin Red Carpet Facial, $105

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