This Country Music Star Shows You How She (and Carrie Underwood) Get Fit

Workout tips for a red-carpet ready bod

By Taylor Stephan Nov 02, 2016 7:08 PMTags
ESC: Erin Oprea, Kelsea Ballerini FitnessZach Harrison Photography

You might know Kelsea Ballerini for her radio hits "Dibs" or "Peter Pan," but these days we can't help but notice how on-point her fitness is.

It might have something to do with the fact she shares a personal trainer with Carrie Underwood or maybe it's the fact she puts in #werk. The country star trains with Erin Oprea every week (leg day is her favorite), but when an awards show rolls around (like tonight's CMA Awards where she's nominated for new artist and female vocalist of the year), the dress dictates her workout. "Once I know what I'm wearing and I know what part of my body is going to be exposed the most, we kind of isolate that area," said Kelsea.

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Tonight, she told us, her dress will mostly show off her arms, so lots of back, shoulder and arm moves are to be expected, but there's always room for some fat-burning squats, too! 

To learn Kelsea's exact red-carpet workout, keep reading!

Hamstring Rolls

Zach Harrison Photography

Step 1: To work the back of your legs, start by lying on your back.

Step 2: Place your feet and ankles on a stability ball with your hips raised off the ground, creating a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. (This is your starting point and your hips should never hit the ground.)

Step 3: Pull your heels toward your bottom, raising your hips even higher as your knees bend. (Don't let those hips sink now!)

Repeat 12-15 reps for three sets.

Shoulder Series

Zach Harrison Photography

Step 1: Grab a pair of light dumb bells and hold your arms out straight in a T-shape.

Step 2: Bend your elbows into your sides but keep your hands at shoulder level, forming a W-shape.  

Step 3: Drive your hands up into a Y-shape.

Step 4: Bring your arms back down to a broken T-shape and back out to a full T-shape. 

Perform 25 reps for 3 sets.

Battle Ropes

Zach Harrison Photography

Pro tip: This exercise is great for all-over toning, but also super for an alternative cardio session.

Step 1: Grab one end of a secured battle rope with both hands and get into a close-footed squat stance.

Step 2: As you come up from your squat raise the rope up and over to each side and slam it down each time.

Step 3: Keep your core tight throughout the maneuver and make sure to drive through your legs as you slam on each side of your body.

Perform for 30 seconds and do 3 sets (or more!).

Squat & Row

Zach Harrison Photography

Step 1: To work your legs, core and back, attach a medium to heavy band to a secure pole/personal trainer.

Step 2: Grab both handles while in a shoulder-width squat stance.

Step 3: Perform a squat then stand without locking your knees.

Step 4: Now, perform a row keeping your core tight and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Repeat 15 reps for 3 sets.

Squat Into Lunge

Zach Harrison Photography

Step 1: Start with your weight on one foot and use your opposite foot purely for balance. 

Step 2: Drop down into a squat stance, keeping your weight on the standing leg. (You'll remain in a squat stance for the whole exercise.)

Step 3: Send your free foot back, tapping your toe into a reverse lunge position.

Step 3: Bring your rear leg forward to perform the squat again. (Reminder: Stay low and engaged the whole time.)

Perform 15 reps per leg (that's one squat and one lunge) for 3 sets. Switch legs and repeat!

No matter your personal motivation for hitting the gym, Kelsea said it best: "Make it your goal to get strong, not skinny."


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