Genius Woman Gets 20 Boyfriends to Buy Her 20 iPhones: Sells Them and Buys House

Entrepreneur of the century

By Dominique Haikel Oct 31, 2016 11:45 PMTags
iPhone 7Apple

This is either the smartest homeowner to date or the world's most hardcore troll. No judgment here, however. We're kind of just amazed at the fact that this was pulled off so effortlessly.

It's no secret that buying a house puts major stress on your wallet. China, the location of the anonymous woman with 20 boyfriends (although it's unclear as to whether or not they're all still dating after this news broke), is no different. BBC notes, this whole situation was illuminated when a blogger writing under the fake name 'Proud Qiaoba' decided to tell the story of her colleague 'Xiaoli' (also a pseudonym), a nickname the Chinese media has given her. The woman asked 20 of her boyfriends to gift her with iPhone 7's, to which she subsequently sold to a cell phone recycling website for roughly $17,703.95. Let's pause here for a quick second. We need to talk. 

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First of all, props to this woman for managing to juggle 20 different boyfriends at the same time. Like, you go girl. We don't even know what else there is to say about that. A lot of us can't even get one boyfriend. That's an accomplishment that deserves a separate article entirely. Furthermore, she managed to find 20 boyfriends willing to drop major cash on a new iPhone. Who knew that China's dating scene was this hot? Some were even astonished at the speed in which she managed to convince each guy, as the new phone was only released in September.

Alright. Let's keep the story moving, shall we? After she sold the phones and made her paper, she was able to throw down a deposit on a house. A HOUSE, people. Can we get a round of applause for this extremely creative money-making move? In addition to inevitable haters, some questioned whether or not this was just a giant PR stunt to draw attention to the recycling site. Whatever you may think about the situation, she's laughing all the way to her countryside home, while the rest of us cry over student loans. 

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