Zac Efron and Simone Biles: A Timeline of Their Social Media Love Story During the 2016 Rio Olympics

Gymnast has found quite a fan in the actor, and vice versa

By McKenna Aiello Aug 10, 2016 5:48 PMTags
Zac Efron, Simone BilesTwitter

Simone Biles has found quite the fan in Zac Efron during the 2016 Rio Olympics, and as fate would have it, vice versa! 

The gymnast's gravity-defying skills have launched her straight into the hearts of Americans everywhere, coincidentally landing on none other than the hunky actor's very own beating pulse of Olympic spirit. In the first week of the Olympics alone, Biles and Efron have engaged in a social media love story of sorts that has seemingly more pairs of eyes on the duo's interactions than the games themselves. 

Biles, who recently won her first gold medal for Team USA during the women's team all-around, has also never been shy in declaring her fangirl-status love for Zac. The 19-year-old has probably been crushing on the star since his High School Musical days, but haven't we all? 

Take a look at their blossoming relationship in the timeline below—can't say we didn't predict Hollywood's next dream couple!  

Celebrity Olympic Torchbearers

Simone's first public confession regarding her admiration of Zac surfaced back in March, when the Olympian appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. When the comedienne brought up her crush, Simone's sudden fit of giggles and rosy cheeks could be seen all the way from Rio.  

"Is it just 'cause he's gorgeous, is that why you like him?" Ellen DeGeneres asked, to which she responded a confident, "Yes!" Again, we don't blame you, girl.

Ellen then presented the athlete with her very own leotard covered with Zac's face and bod. And since Simone still has quite a few events to tackle over the next week, fingers crossed she'll whip out the ensemble for her grand finale. Not that would get the judges' attentions. 

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These two took their adorably innocent flirting to the next level, when Efron congratulated Biles for her all-star performance during the qualifying rounds on Twitter. "So phenomenal a skill's named after her. Congrats on sticking the Biles and qualifying for the finals @Simone_Biles!" the 28-year-old wrote online. 

Internally, Simone was probably shrieking with utter delight, but externally she kept it totally cool. "Thanks Zac! I hope you can watch Team Final tomorrow night," she responded

This girl's got major game, both on the uneven bars and in the romance department. 

During an interview with NBC, Simone gave us an inside look into her life off outside the gym, along the way revealing that her crush on Zac knows practically no bounds. 

In fact, the teen even has her own life-size cutout of the Neighbors 2 star perched inconspicuously behind her bed.  "Sometimes I used to kiss him on the cheek," Simone revealed. Aww! 

Even though Biles admits her obsession "is a little strange," we find nothing out of the ordinary in her sweet quirk.

If anyone was doubting Efron's unabashed appreciation for Simone and The Final Five, he squashed any and all speculation with one spectacular, glorious tweet. "Of course I'm watching the #FinalFive dominate the floor!" Zac wrote.

In the snapshot, Zac psoes in front of Simone, Gabby Douglas, Aly Raisman, Laurie Hernandez and Madison Kocian with his hands in a heart shape. We can't help but notice where Zac chose to stand for the photo opp though, right next to the Summer Games' breakout star, because duh. 

The best part occurred on August 16, when Biles and Efron finally got to meet face to face! Thanks to Hoda Kotb, the hunky star was able to make it to Rio to surprise the young gymnast, and the pair took over social media with their cuteness.

They even exchanged pecks on the cheek, proving that Biles is all of us fangirling over Zac Efron.

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