Modern Family's Ariel Winter Announces She's Single After Dropping More Than a Few Hints

Actress recently unfollowed Laurent Claude Gaudette on social media

By Mike Vulpo Jun 26, 2016 8:44 PMTags
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Perhaps we should have seen this one coming.

After speculation continued to surround Ariel Winter's relationship status with Laurent Claude Gaudette, the Modern Family star finally decided to set the record straight on social media this weekend.

On Saturday evening, the actress shared a gif of Kim Kardashian with the text, "I'm like dropping hints that I'm single."

She also captioned the tweet, "When you're surprised that people just haven't gotten it yet..."

If that wasn't enough proof, Ariel shared the same message on Instagram with the added text, "Hi there press people!!!!!"

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A photo posted by Ariel Winter (@arielwinter) on

Rumors of a possible breakup have hit the couple for several months. In fact, the recent high school graduate posted a meme from Beyoncé's hit song "Single Ladies" six months ago.

"Start of a new week, start of a new chapter," she captioned the image. "#DancingLIkeBeyonceMood." It also didn't help that Ariel went to prom without her longtime boyfriend and unfollowed him on social media.

While the pair appears to have called it quits, that doesn't mean the twosome didn't spend plenty of good times together. In October of 2015, Ariel shared a special tribute to her boyfriend on their two-year anniversary.

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"Throughout these two years we've accomplished so much personally, separate and together, and I'm so proud of the adults we're becoming and the direction our relationship is beginning to take," she wrote. "Although I may not always remind you of this, but I am extremely grateful for you and feel like the luckiest girl in the world to hold the keys to your heart, as you hold the keys to mine."

Ultimately, Ariel has much to look forward as she spends her summer as a single lady. In addition to returning to Modern Family, the actress will also start school at UCLA where she will be rocking blue and gold.

"It's an AMAZING DAY! I'm going to UCLA," she shared on Instagram with a photo of her online admissions page from the school's website. "Thank you to everyone who has been there for me on this journey! #bruinsbaby"

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