Refocus: Clarify Your Purpose to Achieve Your Goals in Life!

Entrepreneur Tiffany Lea encourages clients to focus on their mission to produce outstanding results.

By Tom White with APG Mar 29, 2024 3:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency Tiffany LeaTiffany Lea


Have you got a dream? Maybe one that you don't dare tell people, for fear of failing? It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and announce your personal goals out loud. This is what entrepreneur Tiffany Lea advises as the first step of success. "Work out what your goal is and keep coming back to it in times of uncertainty," she says.

Clarifying the mission gives you a roadmap for acting it out. With an affordable housing business as well as a thriving digital marketing agency, Lea has a lot to juggle. "Keeping my original goal in mind is what drives me to make the necessary actions to make it happen," she says. "It's natural for the goalposts to shift over time as you evolve, but keep in touch with what you are trying to achieve and who you are trying to serve."

"Who are we serving?" is the main question Lea asks herself. When people get tied up in immediate issues, Lea takes a step back and refocuses on who she is trying to reach, which lives she is trying to improve. Remembering her purpose always shines a light on the next right thing to do, in both work and life.

"I always wanted to give people a voice and give them a way to be heard when they didn't have one," Lea says. Whether that's through providing stability in affordable homes, lead generation for start-up businesses or motivating audiences through her talk shows & digital marketing offering, Lea is passionate about lifting people up and bringing them together.

Although the elements are different, each industry she works in actualizes the same innate goal. "They are all part of my purpose," Lea says. "It's important to get back to basics and just remember who you are and what you stand for; who you're serving and why you're here." Lea fosters a deep spiritual foundation that tunes into the unique gifts everyone is both with.

"We are all here for a purpose," she says. "Every single person has their own special mark to make and personal tools within to make it happen. But we tend to forget this. It is easy to get swept up in the intricacies of life and let go of what really matters. Everyone has the same ability to make a difference or achieve something, but it might just take hearing someone else's story to help you bring yours out."

This is what inspires Lea to keep going with her work, even through hard times. There may be moments when she feels like quitting, but remembering that her story might just help people to find their own purpose is strong motivation to continue. Doing inner work and self-reflection can be challenging but it is a key step in Lea's process to serve others and keep evolving as a person.

"Sometimes I feel like shutting down when it gets overwhelming," Lea says. "But I have to talk to myself and remind myself that I'm not the only one affected by my choices. If I don't speak up and encourage others to do the same, it might mean that some little girl or boy might not do the thing they are meant to do. I will not risk losing the chance of connecting. This life can be loud and noisy and cause us to forget why we started this business or this family, or whatever it might be. Keeping your purpose at the forefront of your heart makes you remember."

When asked whether our individual purpose is pre-ordained or created by choice, Lea answers that it is a bit of both. She believes we are given our lives and personal abilities to chime with a fated purpose. But choice plays a part because we are multifaceted beings with many paths to go down.

"Even if you feel pulled in a certain direction, there are multiple ways to express that direction," Lea says. "You can choose the way in which you serve your mission. The theme will be the same and it is the actions you take to fulfill it that are your choice." Purposes can often shift over a lifetime so it is vital to keep in touch with whether your actions are aligned to your moral compass and values. 

Taking some time to reflect on your values can support the process of following your intuition in order to discover your true purpose. The mystic poet Rumi said, "Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that." Lea is embodying these words through her commitment to her personal mission that fills her with joy. You can too.

To find out more about Tiffany Lea and her wide-ranging projects, check out her website.

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