Gigi Hadid Shares Insight Into How She Bonds With 2-Year-Old Khai

Gigi Hadid revealed it's important for her manage her time and turn down projects so she can make memories with her and ex-Zayn Malik's daughter Khai.

By Alyssa Morin Apr 11, 2023 7:12 PMTags
Watch: Gigi Hadid Shares How She Bonds With Her Daughter

When it comes to parenthood, it's all a balancing act for Gigi Hadid.

The supermodel recently shared insight into the special ways she bonds with her 2-year-old daughter Khai—whom she shares with ex Zayn Malik—and why it's important that they block out mother-daughter time.

"I think that becoming a mom has made me realize that you just really have to start to get your eggs in a row," Gigi told InStyle in an interview published on April 11, "and prioritize your time between being a mom and a person and then also a working mom and person."

The 27-year-old explained that she not only manages her time better but she's also not afraid to say no to projects. 

"I need the time away from my daughter to feel worth it," Gigi put it simply, "and like it's fulfilling me in a way that I can go back and be a better mom."

Gigi Hadid's Best Mom Moments

So, what fun activities do Gigi and Khai do together? For them, it often involves spending some time in the kitchen.

"Every day, we're cooking in the house together," the Next in Fashion co-host revealed. "Even if it's just her and I, she will get up on her little step-up stool and help me mix, or we do banana bread. Especially in the winter, when I'm like, 'OK, what can we do that's warm?' It's a lot of, 'OK, mash these bananas,' and help her do the stuff that's exciting to her."


Gigi admitted that her toddler will eventually lose interest in cooking and grab her Play-Doh instead.

"But it's still fun times together," she continued, "we have the funniest conversations when it's just me cooking and her doing some craft and I love even when it's just us."

And if you're curious about which foods Khai enjoys eating most, well, Gigi said her daughter's palette is constantly evolving. 

"She's only 2-and-a-half," she said, "but she'll definitely tell me if it's not for her, which I'm cool with. I'm like, 'As long as you're trying it, I'm proud.' I try not to be too hard on myself as a mom and just try to make positive conversation around food."


We'll chef's kiss to that.

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