Randall Park to Keep Blockbuster's Memory Alive in New Comedy Series

Randall Park will star in a Netflix comedy about the last remaining Blockbuster Video store. Get all the details here and avoid any late fees.

By ElizaBeth Taylor Nov 17, 2021 11:51 PMTags
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It's never too late for a blockbuster comedy.

Randall Park is going to star in a Netflix comedy, Blockbuster, set in, you guessed it, the last remaining Blockbuster Video store. This is one show that we will definitely be checking out.

The 10-episode season, created by Superstore writer Vanessa Ramos, will explore the great American chain that once ruled the weekend before Netflix and chill became a thing. Blockbuster will follow a storyline that focuses on the American dream of trying to make a small business succeed against all odds.

"To say getting to make a show about a place I love, with my friends Jackie [Clarke] and David [Caspe], and Randall Park as our star is a dream come true," Vanessa said in a statement. "somehow feels like an understatement. I could not be more grateful to Jim and Megan at Universal for supporting this project since day one and Tracey, Andy, and the whole team at Netflix for being on board with so many weird jokes."

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Jim Donnelly, EVP of Comedy Development at Universal Television, expressed a similar sentiment, adding, "We're so happy to be strolling the aisles of a Blockbuster once again, with Vanessa, David, and Jackie leading the way. We're also thrilled to be continuing our partnership with Netflix, where we never have to worry about late fees."

So, dust off those blue cards, because we're heading back to Blockbuster.

The irony, of course, is the show is being developed by the streaming service that actually helped put Blockbuster Video out of business. (Shout out to those who can remember a time when Netflix was just a DVD-delivery service.)

Evans Ward via Getty Images

The real last Blockbuster Video is based in Bend, Oreg. and is the central figure in Netflix's documentary, The Last Blockbuster.

For any updates surrounding Blockbuster, click here.

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