Yvette Nicole Brown Just Debunked a Stinky Rumor About Matthew McConaughey's Hygiene

It all comes out in the wash! Yvette Nicole Brown spilled the tea on what Matthew McConaughey actually smells like, since the Oscar winner refuses to wear deodorant or cologne.

By Lindsay Weinberg Aug 12, 2021 11:37 PMTags
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Rest assured, Matthew McConaughey doesn't stink!

The Beach Bum actor's personal grooming habits have long been cause for concern among his fans, after he admitted that he hasn't worn deodorant in more than 35 years.

When filming the 2008 movie Fool's Gold with Kate Hudson, he said his co-star always brought a salt rock to set to try to persuade him to use it as a "natural deodorant," according to Elite Daily. "[Kate] says, ‘Would you please put this on?' I just never wore it. No cologne, no deodorant," Matthew shared. "The women in my life, including my mother, have all said, ‘Hey, your natural smell smells, one, like a man, and, two, smells like you."

The same year, Yvette Nicole Brown worked with Matthew on Tropic Thunder and apparently got a good whiff. This week, the Community star, who portrayed Peck's assistant in the movie, spoke on SiriusXM's The Jess Cagle Show about Matthew's alright, alright, alright scent. 

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"I'm a huge Matthew McConaughey fan," she began. "I remember that Matthew McConaughey said that he did not use deodorant and that he didn't have an odor. So my first thought was, 'I'm going to get as close as I can to him to see if he's right.'"

Aaron J. Thornton/FilmMagic, Paul Bruinooge/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

So, what were the findings of her study? "He does not have an odor," Yvette declared. "He smells like granola and good living. He has a sweet, sweet scent. That is just him and it's not musty or crazy."

In addition to his good hygiene, she said she was also drawn to Matthew's friendliness. As she shared, "He was very kind to me... All of my scenes were with him and I've been a fan since A Time To Kill. So, the idea that I got to be in scenes with him and be directed by Ben Stiller... it was a great experience." 

And don't worry, Yvette hasn't made a habit out of, erm, smelling her co-stars. Jess asked if she sniffed Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the set of 500 Days of Summer. She replied, "I did not, because he hadn't said publicly that he doesn't wear deodorant. That's what Matthew has said. I had to test it." 

Jess pointed out that numerous celebs are coming forward with their shocking bathing confessions, and Yvette speculated where Matthew might fall on that matter. "I believe he bathes because he smelled delicious," she revealed of the star, who is married to model Camila Alves. "He just didn't have deodorant on. Those that don't bathe, I don't understand. I got to get under some water and rub some soap on me."

Ashton Kutcher would disagree on that one.

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