Britney Spears' Boyfriend Sam Shows His Support for #FreeBritney Movement Ahead of Hearing

When it comes to his girlfriend, Sam Asghari has Britney Spears' back. Read on to see the actor's public display of support ahead of the pop star's highly anticipated court hearing.

By Samantha Schnurr Jun 23, 2021 8:09 PMTags

Sam Asghari has made it pretty clear where he stands when it comes to his famous girlfriend's court battle. 

Ahead of a highly anticipated hearing on Wednesday, June 23, Britney Spears' longtime boyfriend took to social media with a selfie, except it was what he was wearing that got fans' attention. The actor appeared to be sporting a shirt with Free Britney written across the chest, an undeniable reference to the #FreeBritney movement that has gained momentum around the singer and the long-running conservatorship she's been under.

If there was any denying who Sam was referring to, he also included a lion emoji. In the past, he has called Britney his "lioness."

The timing of his post is no coincidence considering the pop icon is set to address the court directly regarding the status of her conservatorship on Wednesday afternoon. It will mark a significant moment in the timeline of the conservatorship, which gained renewed attention following the release of the "Framing Britney Spears" episode of The New York Times Presents docu-series that premiered in February. 

Britney Spears & Sam Asghari: Romance Rewind

This is not the first time Sam has made his stance crystal clear to the public. Following the debut of the episode, he spoke out about the performer's dadJamie Spears—and did not mince words in the process. 


"Now it's important for people to understand that I have zero respect for someone trying to control our relationship and constantly throwing obstacles our way," he wrote on his Instagram Story. "In my opinion, Jamie is a total dick. I won't be going into details because I've always respected our privacy but at the same time, I didn't come to this country to not be able to express my opinion and freedom."

Months earlier in December, Jamie told CNN, ""I love my daughter and I miss her very much. When a family member needs special care and protection, families need to step up, as I have done for the last 12-plus years, to safeguard, protect and continue to love Britney unconditionally. I have and will continue to provide unwavering love and fierce protection against those with self-serving interests and those who seek to harm her or my family."

Meanwhile, Britney has objected to having Jamie serve as her conservator and her legal team has petitioned the court to have Jodi Montgomery as the permanent conservator of Britney's person. 

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