Alec Baldwin Had the Perfect Reaction to Being Credited for "Saving" Fan's Relationship

It looks like Alec Baldwin can add "expert fight diffuser for couples" to his resume of roles. Read on for a fan's unique story crediting the actor for his relationship-saving tactic.

By Samantha Schnurr Dec 03, 2020 6:08 PMTags
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Alec Baldwinaward-winning actor, husband, father of six and, apparently, expert fight diffuser for couples. 

Such was the case for one couple the actor came across in New York City a few years ago. As the story that was shared anonymously on @OverheardCelebs went, a now-married pair was fighting in Washington Square Park when they unexpectedly crossed paths with the Saturday Night Live actor

"It was getting pretty heated, and my boyfriend at the time raised his voice and said something that sounded very final," the person recalled to the Instagram account. "My face was in my hands, but all of a sudden I hear him say, 'Hi, how are you?' in a very cheerful voice. I looked up, wiped my tears away, and turned around to see Alec Baldwin (and his two dogs) standing behind us."

The unnamed person described how the actor and their boyfriend went on to have a brief chat. "After a few minutes, we said our goodbyes and sat there in disbelief," the post read. "Alec Baldwin casually striking up a conversation calmed the moment and effectively saved our relationship. To this day, I believe that he heard us fighting and decided to intervene to help smooth things over. If you ever read this, Alec, thank you."

Well as fate—and the powers of social media—would have it, Baldwin did read it...and commented with just the kind of reaction you'd expect from the comedic star. 

Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas: Road to Romance

As he simply quipped, "My fees are very reasonable..."

While it's nearly impossible to be an expert on marriage, Baldwin has had some experience thanks to his seven years being married to his ex, Kim Basinger, and another eight with his wife Hilaria Baldwin

If there's one piece of advice he can offer couples, it's that they should quite literally be together. "The thing is, all the work I do now is based on my family," he told etalk in 2018. "There's movies I got offered where they say 'Come leave town for five weeks. No we can't travel your family with you, we don't have that in the budget.' And I pass, because I don't want to be away from my family.

"I hope that they realize that!" he said of his niece Hailey Bieber and Justin Bieber shortly before they tied the knot. "If you want to have a successful marriage, you have to be together. You gotta stay together."

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