Botched Patient's Scar-Inducing Surgeries & "Butchered Boobs" Leave Dr. Dubrow "Speechless"

By Allison Crist Sep 14, 2020 4:00 PMTags
Watch: Plastic Surgeons Left Woman Scarred--Literally

Surgery gone wrong times three.

Botched doctors Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif have certainly seen their fair share of unbelievable plastic surgery disasters, but even they're shocked to hear Jessica's story on tonight's all-new episode.

As the new patient explains in the above sneak peek clip, it was losing a substantial amount of weight that initially inspired Jessica to seek out cosmetic procedures to get rid of her "saggy skin."

Jessica ultimately decided to get a tummy tuck and both a breast lift and augmentation, however, she "wasn't happy" with the results.

"I wanted bigger breasts, maybe even another tummy tuck," Jessica told Drs. Dubrow and Nassif. "I still had, you know, flabby skin."

So when a friend revealed that she had just had work done in Tijuana, Jessica decided to make the trip to undergo additional surgeries: another breast augmentation, a second tummy tuck and liposuction.

Almost immediately, Jessica regretted her decision.

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According to Jessica, the plastic surgeon covered her with surgical tape—"no gauze, nothing,"—just strips of tape directly placed onto her skin.

Afterwards, Jessica called her sister to help remove the tape, but as she recalls at Jessica's consultation, "It looked like just the skin coming off with the tape."

"And basically he left me with scars everywhere," Jessica added.

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"You know, I don't think I've ever said this in my entire life: I'm speechless," Dr. Dubrow responds before going into further detail in a confessional.

There, he says: "Never put tape directly onto a wound. As the skin stretches and becomes swollen, the tape does not expand with it. It will cause a burn-type reaction to the skin."

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Jessica's plastic surgery journey doesn't just end there, though. She apparently returned to Tijuana for another procedure on her "oval looking breasts."

The result from the third surgery? "Butchered boobs."

"O-M-F-G," Dr. Dubrow says. "I mean, this is a disaster."

Watch the complete Botched sneak peek in the above clip!


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