Keke Palmer Recalls Being Teased For Being "Wholesome" in Heartfelt Message

Keke Palmer took to Instagram on Monday, Sept. 14 to share an inspiring message about growing up in the spotlight and the opposition she faced along the way. Click to see what the actress had to say.

By Vannessa Jackson Sep 14, 2020 3:28 PMTags
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A little louder for the people in the back!

Growing up in the spotlight comes with its own unique challenges and obstaclesKeke Palmer knows a thing or two about navigating other people's expectations when it comes to her career and identity. On her Instagram, the Akeelah and the Bee star had a message for her followers about what it means to stay true to you.

Palmer shared a Tweet to her page saying, "I don't know who needs to hear this, but there is nothing wrong, lame or corny about being wholesome." She then went on to explain the issues she faced as a young girl growing up in an industry where her wholesomeness was sometimes viewed in the wrong way.

"Growing up I was often teased for being 'wholesome', the shows I acted on, the fact that I had a bedtime on tour and even sometimes the way I spoke," she wrote in the caption. "What I hated most was that people assumed that because of all these things I somehow hadn't experienced life."

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She went on to explain how that affected her meetings and outlook on life, saying, "I felt constantly challenged on how 'real' I was when it came to the 'black experience' all because my mom raised me not to wear my hardships. The reality of wanting to be able to communicate in whatever room I was in stopped me from being able to ever be ONE THING."

She continued, "I say this all to say, no matter your background, no matter your culture, you are valid because you are. Everyone is not the same and that doesn't make anyone more cool or less."

The actress and host also shared that she believes what makes a person lame is when they are not living a life that is true to them.

"I can never ever be what anyone else wants me to be," she ended her empowering message. "I can only be Keke(which is quite all over the place). You should only be you too! Whatever that is."

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