Here's What Happened When Bachelor's Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett Went Live on Instagram

Bachelor fans were treated to a surprise reunion when Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett went live on Instagram together. Find out what Peter Weber's former loves talked about here.

By emily belfiore Apr 03, 2020 5:30 PMTags
Watch: Selena Gomez & Peter's Ex Madison Prewett Hang Out

There's no bad blood between Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett.

On Thursday night, The Bachelor finalists surprised Bachelor Nation fans when they reunited during an Instagram Live, proving that they've moved on from all the drama caused by their relationships with Peter Weber

This marks the duo's first public reunion since The Bachelor season 28 finale earlier this month. After choosing Hannah Ann, the stars joined Pete on After the Final Rose, where he announced that their brief engagement had ended. Adding more fuel to the fire, the fan-favorite pilot also revealed that he still had feelings for Madison. Shortly after rekindling their romance, Peter and Madison called it quits.

During their virtual hang out, Hannah Ann and Madison enjoyed a friendly conversation about everything from their families to how they're holding up amid the coronavirus pandemic. They even tossed around ideas to reunite once it's safe to do so again, giving fans something exciting to look forward to. 

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On how their faith is helping them get through social distancing:

"I know this has kind of been a hard time and a crazy time in the world, and just with everything that's going on," Madison began. "Is there something that you feel like has really gotten you through this craziness? I know a lot of people have been really struggling, and I know it's really important in this time to lean on people and lean on things that are really important to you — for me, my faith, and for you, your faith. Is there something specific that's kind of gotten you through this time?"

Hannah Ann responded, "I love wearing this bracelet." Holding up her wrist to the camera, she revealed that it has "Psalm 62:5" engraved on it. "I know we always connected with our faith and I love Psalm 62:5. It's all about trusting God and having him as your foundation," she continued. "That's something that's been helping me as my reminder."

On bonding over their moms' cooking:

While discussing their families, Hannah Ann shared that she wants to see their moms go head-to-head in a chili cook-off, since they've both raved over their skills in the kitchen. "I'm ready for our moms to have a chili-off," she proposed. "'Cuz remember, we would always talk about our moms' chili?"

The duo also realized that their moms have another famous dish in common: Banana pudding. In addition to making tentative cook-off plans, Madison said that their dads need to get together too. "And my dad wants to be best friends with your dad, so we've got to get them together," she said, to which Hannah Ann exclaimed, "Coach Prewett!"

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