Harry Styles Offering to Watch a Stranger's Dog Is What Makes Him Beautiful

In a now viral Twitter thread, a user revealed Harry Styles once offered to watch his dog so they could run into a restaurant. Read on for the full story—and to see the adorable picture.

By Jamie Blynn Jan 10, 2020 12:51 PMTags
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Add this to the never-ending list of reasons why we adore Harry Styles.

Earlier this week, a now-viral Twitter thread asked users for their most interesting—or awkward—celebrity encounters. While one person mentioned a hug from Zoe Kravitz and another raved about a selfie with Jason DeRulo, it was Reuters sports correspondent Rory Carroll and his heartwarming experience with the "Watermelon Sugar" singer that really stood out of the crowd. 

"I was out a restaurant in Hollywood trying to pick up my take out order but couldn't go in because I was with my puppy," Carroll wrote. "Harry Styles saw my predicament, tapped me on the shoulder and said he would watch Oscar while I went in. What a guy."

And the Internet couldn't agree more. Asked for more details—the who, the what, the when, the where, the why, the everything—Carrol followed up, writing "Jan. 17, 2018 11:26 p.m. at the The Oaks Gourmet Market in Franklin Village."

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Though originally skeptical to leave his dog with a stranger, Carroll isn't one to turn down this superstar. "I was prepared to say no when I first heard this English accent ask me if I needed help," he later recalled to Buzzfeed. "When I saw it was Harry Styles I agreed since he seems like a decent, trustworthy guy...Harry was great, never looked at his phone and kept his focus on Oscar." 

Shocked like the rest of us would have been, he needed proof this was real life. "I realized no one would believe me if I didn't have a photo so I sheepishly asked for one and he was willing, which was cool," Carroll added. "We shook hands, Harry went into the restaurant and that was that."

So there you have it: Further proof Harry Styles is just as pure as you imagined.

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