
The Bachelorette Sneak Peek: Hannah Brown Reveals "I Can See My Husband in This Room"

Exclusive! See the reality star's heartfelt speech from the season 15 premiere

By Chris Harnick May 10, 2019 4:15 PMTags

Hannah Brown is ready to find love. Why else would she be starring in The Bachelorette?

In E! News' exclusive sneak peek from the season 15 premiere, Hannah greets her suitors with a heartfelt toast. She's thankful these 30 men decided to say "yes" and take a chance with her.

"I'm not perfect. I'm going to stumble over my words, I'm going to make mistakes—and you are too. I don't want perfect, I want real," Hannah says in the exclusive preview above. "I'm going to be real with you, and I want you to be real back in return with me. And if you're not, if that's not what you want, then I'm not the girl for you.

Behind the Scenes of Hannah Brown's Season of The Bachelorette

Hannah continues her emotional toast, opening up about what it's been like since ABC announced she would be the new star of The Bachelorette.

"It's been hard to feel like I deserve all of this and all of you guys, and it wasn't until tonight, each of you, the few moments that we've had together, really made me feel like I deserve this, and I deserve to find love," she says. "Because of that, I can say that I can see my husband in this room. It's so crazy."


The 24-year-old former Miss Alabama USA will meet 30 contestants on the season premiere of The Bachelorette, but by the end of the night she'll be down to 22 men who are vying for her heart. Meet the contestants below.


Brian, 30, is from Louisville, Kentucky. He's a high school math teacher.

Official Bio: 

Brian loves math. He loves math so much that he teaches it at the same high school he attended. Brian is passionate about helping his students achieve their dreams and is hoping this journey will lead him to his dream woman. Does Brian + Hannah = Love?
- Brian was born on Flag Day, so naturally, it's his favorite holiday!
- Brian is a pun and sarcasm enthusiast.
- Brian loves singing karaoke until he loses his voice.

Our Verdict: 

Everything about Brian is very reasonable. We like Brian. 


The man who presented Hannah with a rap hails from Texas. Cam's also on private. His Instagram bio reads "Good Vibez Only" with fingers giving the peace sign emoji. He also got the first rose after his rap, which was a choice

Official Bio: 

Cam is a sales manager from Texas with a competitive personality. He loves to be the life of the party and is the self-proclaimed "dance floor king." Will he have the right moves to impress our Bachelorette?
- The Notebook is his all-time favorite movie.
- Cam can freestyle rap about anything and play the harmonica.
- The most important thing Cam looks for in a woman is good dental hygiene.

Our Verdict: 

Software salesman on The Bachelorette? Red flag. The Notebook is his favorite movie? Red flag. Self-proclaimed freestyle rapper and "dance floor king?" Red flag!! Harmonica is also a red flag! But he's already got a rose, so whatever floats Hannah's boat we guess. 


Chasen, 30, is from Washington or maybe Ann Arbor, MI. He's a commercial airline pilot.

Official Bio: 

According to Chasen, "women always love a man in uniform," so naturally, he became a commercial airline pilot. Chasen is a soft-spoken charmer who refers to himself as the "forever wingman"—pun intended. Now, he's ready to spread his wings and find the love of his life, hopefully in Hannah.
- His favorite pastime is watching The Bachelor and drinking cocktails with his mom.
- He once bought a Tiffany necklace for a girlfriend, but she dumped him before he could give it to her, so he gave it to his sister instead.

Our Verdict: 

We have absolutely no idea what to do with any of this. You've stumped us, Chasen, in a good but cautious way. Also, pilots tend to be able to fly anywhere for free on standby so we've got our eye on you sir. 

(P.S. If Chasen becomes the next Bachelor, they could do On the Wings of Love: The Sequel!!) 

Connor J.

Connor J., 28, is from Newport Beach, California. He's a district sales manager for a car company.

Official Bio: 

Connor J. is looking for a woman with whom he can build a life of love and fun. He's full of charisma and is someone that will always open your door and pull out your chair. Connor J. is the kind of guy your dad wants you to end up with. Will his manners help him fit in with Hannah's Southern hospitality way of life?
- His biggest turn-off is a girl who gossips.
- Connor has been to 40 out of the 50 states in the U.S.
- Connor's grandmother says he deserves a "sexy woman" who is ready to give her grandkids!

Our Verdict: 

Our biggest turn-off is a guy who can't appreciate the joy of a good bit of gossip and won't let us open our own door. Tryin' too hard, Connor J. 

Connor S.

Connor presented Hannah with a stool on After the Final Rose, so they could be on the same level. He's 24, lives in Dallas, and works for Goldman Sachs.

Official Bio: 

Connor S. is a travel junkie looking for a partner with whom to make lifelong memories. Not only is he easy on the eyes, he considers himself to be a true gentleman. His family is the most important thing to him and finding someone to start a family is high on his priority list. Sounds like he and Hannah could have a lot in common.
- Connor LOVES Justin Bieber.
- He swam competitively in college.
- Even though he doesn't speak Spanish, he loves listening and dancing to Spanish songs in the clubs.

Our Verdict: 

We love Justin Bieber too but those capital letters are making us concerned. Does he make a lot of lyric references? Does he have a tattoo of Bieber's face? Does he just really like the dance moves? What is the level of love here? 


Daron is 25 and is from Atlanta, Georgia. He's got a twin brother and is the son of a former NBA player.

Official Bio: 

Daron may seem like a tough guy on the outside, but really, he is just a giant teddy bear. He is a former college athlete and no stranger to competition. Along with sharing a love of football, Daron and Hannah share a lot of similar values when it comes to love. Daron says he loves a woman who can take charge. Does that sound like anyone we know?
- Daron is a total video game nerd! He is even a globally ranked champion in Guitar Hero.
- He is terrified of spiders.

Our Verdict: 

Of all the video games to be a globally ranked champion in, Guitar Hero is a pretty safe choice. Daron might be good. 


Devin is a 27-year-old from Sherman Oaks, California.

Official Bio: 

Devin loves being in love. He has been in three relationships, with the shortest one being two years and the longest being five. He says he has trouble finding love in Los Angeles because no one in L.A. wants anything serious. Will Devin have better luck with a woman from outside of Southern California? Maybe an Alabama gal is more his speed.
- Devin and Wills from Becca's season of The Bachelorette are good friends.
- His advice for anyone who wants to find love is "don't be a sleaze."
- Devin has an 8-year-old step brother who is one of his best friends.

Our Verdict: 

Listen, we've tried to find love in L.A. before (didn't try very hard, TBH), and Devin is right. He's also right about how you shouldn't be a sleaze. We're rooting for you, Devin. 



Dustin met Hannah on After the Final Rose and gave a toast to rival Hannah's Bachelor toast, which is to say he gave a weird toast. Dustin is a real estate broker from Chicago. 

Official Bio: 

Dustin is a passionate guy who loves a good night of Netflix and chill, and is looking for a mature woman that his family will love. The son of a single mom, Dustin says that if a woman wants to be with him, she'll definitely need mom's approval first. She'll also need the approval of the other important woman in his life, his English bulldog, Sophia.
- Dustin loves Tony Robbins.
- He says he can beat anyone in a game of Jenga.
- Christmas time is his favorite time of year because all the lights and music remind him of his childhood.

Our Verdict: 

Like with Justin Bieber, a love of Tony Robbins could be annoying depending on what kind of love it is. We love a lot of things that we wouldn't mention in our Bachelor bio so this is gonna be a wait and see. 


Dylan is a 24-year-old from San Diego. He co-founded Vizer, an exercise ap.

Official Bio: 

Dylan is a handsome entrepreneur with a giant smile and a heart of gold. He is the co-founder of a fitness company that allows people to work out while donating food to those in need. He loves to drive his boat, scuba dive and cook up a big meal. Hopefully, Hannah's hungry.
- The majority of Dylan's friends are women. - Dylan's favorite sport is basketball. - Dylan has two tattoos: a palm tree on his ankle and a heart with roses on his chest for his mom and dad.

Our Verdict: 

He cooks and he's got a boat. We'll take him! 


Garrett, 27, is from Birmingham, Alabama. He's a golf pro for a country club in Alabama.

Official Bio: 

Garrett may be a good-looking pro golfer, but he's really just a humble country boy enjoying life in Alabama. When he's not practicing his putting on the green, he enjoys going to church, running and drinking beers with his friends. Garrett's sister-in-law signed him up for The Bachelorette because she sees so many similarities between him and Hannah. Only time will tell if this match is a hole-in-one or a total mulligan.
- He once snuck into Mississippi State's football stadium after hours and made out with his girlfriend on the 50-yard line.
- Garrett says the most romantic city in the world is Savannah, Georgia.

Our Verdict: 

This guy sounds perfect for Hannah. 


Grant, 30, is from San Clemente, California. Per ABC, he is unemployed. 

Official Bio: 

Grant is the real-life "The Dude." He loves white Russians and has no interest in hearing about your CrossFit workout plan or recent Instagram post. Grant considers himself to be romantic because he enjoys PDA. He loves to impress the ladies with his surprisingly good dance moves and is hoping his blunt realness stands out to Hannah.
- His biggest fashion regret is wearing fake earrings to his high school prom.
- He isn't afraid of a dance-off.
- Grant has a hard time believing that any young guy who comes on The Bachelorette is "here for the right reasons," and he plans to call them out on it.

Our Verdict: 

No one should be the real-life "The Dude." No one should enjoy PDA to the point of putting it in your bio, and "blunt realness" is definitely just a nicer term for being an asshole. Also that last bullet point is confusing. 


Hunter is 24 and from Westchester, California. He's a pro surfer. 

Official Bio: 

Hunter's life revolves around the ocean. If the waves allow it, he'll be in the water every day. He recently quit his dream job working for the World Surf League to follow his passion and pursue his own surfing goals as an athlete, and to start his own creative agency. We'd help Hunter wax his surfboard anytime.
- He has been in two serious relationships and both of them were long distance.
- Hunter still lives at home with his parents.
- Hunter loves to host a good "Bachelor" viewing party.

Our Verdict: 

He seems very nice. 


Jed, 25, is from Nashville. He's a musician.

Official Bio: 

Jed is an adventurous singer/songwriter from Tennessee who is looking for a forever type of love. Jed finds it easiest to express his feelings and be vulnerable through his music; but after his last relationship ended terribly, Jed stopped making music and said it was one of the hardest times in his life. Will Hannah be able to help this songbird sing again?
- Jed can rap Nicki Minaj's part in "Bottoms Up" flawlessly, and says he can shoot a rubber band with freakish accuracy.
- He grew up in the Smoky Mountains, the birthplace of Dolly Parton.
- Jed's biggest fan is his little sister who thinks that he and Hannah are a perfect match!

Our Verdict:

But why can he flawlessly rap Nicki Minaj's part in "Bottoms Up?" We're just really worried about the potential for awkward serenades. 


Joe, 30, is from Chicago. He studied economics in school.

Official Bio: 

For this Italian boy, family is everything. Joe's two older siblings both have families of their own, and his parents are ready for more grandbabies. When he's not killing it in the family cardboard box business, he enjoys going to Vegas and club-hopping. He is also a whiz on the blackjack and craps tables. Will Hannah roll the dice and take a chance with Joe?
- Las Vegas is Joe's favorite place in the world. He went four times in the last year alone.
- Joe once went streaking in college.
- Joe's most complimented features are his eyebrows.

Our Verdict: 

Will this Chicago Joe make it past night one? All we can say is that grocery stores are definitely cooler than cardboard boxes. 


Joey, 33, is from Bethesda, Maryland. He studied accounting and is currently a senior manager at EY.

Official Bio: 

Joey spent his 20s having adventures and starting his career. He's lived in Australia, Hong Kong and San Francisco; and while he still loves adventures, his priority now is looking for a life partner to settle down and have children with. He is excited to be married, have a house with a pool in the backyard and a couple of kids running around. Hopefully, Hannah likes minivans.
- While Joey has bungee jumped and skydived, he is afraid of heights.
- Joey is currently re-learning how to play the piano.
- Joey loves to document important moments with his Polaroid camera.

Our Verdict: 

Nothing here is bothersome but we're wondering what Joey then does with all the Polaroids. 

John Paul Jones

John Paul, 24, is from New Carrolton, Maryland and he has his job listed as "John Paul Jones" even though he's a financial analyst. 

Official Bio: 

John Paul Jones is a financial analyst from Maryland who is here looking for the real deal. When John Paul Jones isn't daydreaming about his future wedding, he enjoys traveling the world and contemplating the meaning of life. Could Hannah be John Paul Jones' future bride?
- When referring to John Paul Jones, always use his full name: John Paul Jones.
- John Paul Jones's favorite drink is Champagne.
- John Paul Jones rarely uses words that are less than three syllables long.

Our Verdict: 

We think we might hate John Paul Jones. 



Jonathan is from Los Angeles and is 27. He's a server. (But not a Sur-ver, as far as we know.) (But imagine if he were...)

Official Bio: 

This Los Angeles native is the life of the party. Jonathan loves to go out, but what he really enjoys is the process of getting ready. He is a perfectionist looking for a woman who appreciates attention to detail just as he does. When he's not at the clubs, he loves playing basketball and spending time with his family at church. Jonathan may be the answer to Hannah's prayers.
- Two places Jonathan really wants to visit are Miami and New Orleans.
- Jonathan loves sparklers.
- Religion plays a very important role in Jonathan's life.

Our Verdict:

Never until right now have we considered the fact that we like getting ready more than actually going out. You learn something about yourself every day! Sometimes you also learn that there are people who consider loving sparklers to be a part of their identity, which we have a lot of questions about. 



This 27-year-old is from Manteno, Illinois. He's a behavioral health specialist for the army and maybe also a bartender. His Instagram is still public and filled with shirtless pictures.

Official Bio: 

Kevin is a small-town guy who is the ultimate family man. He works as a behavioral health specialist for the army, helping vets deal with trauma. When he's not working, he's pumping iron at the gym. Kevin says his past relationships haven't worked out because he "loves too hard." Sounds like he may have that fierce love that Hannah is looking for.
- Kevin loves the Harry Potter series.
- Kevin loves to play the piano and sing.
- Kevin wants to travel more, but he won't go anywhere that doesn't have an available gym.

Our Verdict: 

Kevin sounds irritating to travel with or fall in love with but we'd hang out with him. 

Luke P.

On ATFR, Luke said he really wanted Hannah to be The Bachelorette…and got his wish. His Instagram appears to be private now, but his bio says, "Jesus + Nothing = Everything" and "Philippians 4:13" with a flexing emoji, face with sunglasses on emoji and thumbs up emoji.

Official Bio: 

Luke P. is a good Christian boy from Gainesville, GA. He prides himself on being able to get along with anyone, and he loves team sports. After a religious awakening in college, Luke decided that when he dates, it's for marriage. To Luke, "for better or for worse" means unconditional love. Luke seems to be everything Hannah wants in a husband. Is this a match made in heaven, or is it all too good to be true?
- Tim Tebow is his hero.
- Worst fear is having bad gas on a date.

Our Verdict: 

Good for Hannah? 

Luke S.

Luke S., 28, lives in Washington, DC and works in politics. He was a former staff assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Official Bio: 

Luke S. works as a political fundraiser on Capitol Hill and is also a tequila expert and entrepreneur. He says he is looking for someone to enjoy the beauties of life with, someone to challenge him, and a partner that has the same thirst for knowledge that he has. Luke's best friends say his perfect girl is a Southern belle with a quirky personality. Does that sound like anyone we know?
- Luke's grandma and grandpa were married for 70 years and got engaged after three weeks of knowing each other.
- People tell Luke that he looks like Nick Viall all the time.
- Luke says that he once hit on Emily Ratajkowski and made her blush.

Our Verdict: 


Matt Donald

Matt, 26, is from Los Gatos, California. He is a medical device salesman. 

Official Bio: 

Matt Donald is an old-fashioned guy who loves to bring flowers to a girl on a first date. When he's not killing it in the medical device sales game, he's spending time with his family and watching Alabama football. Matt's brother and parents are deaf, and he grew up speaking sign language. We love a man that can communicate what he's thinking with his hands without ever saying a word, and we think Hannah will too.
- Matt loves salsa dancing, even though he says he is terrible at it.
- Matt's biggest fear in the world is being trapped in a room with spiders.
- Matt says that he "loves Hannah and he hasn't even met her."

Our Verdict: 

Everything about Matt Donald is fine except the fact that he goes by his full name of Matt Donald. But at least he seems better than John Paul Jones. 


Matteo is from Atlanta and is 25. He is a management consultant who previously worked for Deloitte and studied mechanical engineering. Matteo also is certified scuba diver.

Official Bio: 

Matteo grew up all over the world, living in places such as Austria and Kenya before settling in Atlanta with his family. He graduated from Georgia Tech and has a degree in mechanical engineering, which is very helpful now in getting his virtual reality startup off the ground. On the side, Matteo is a sperm donor who has helped create 114 children for all types of families—talk about an ice breaker. Matteo may be the strong and silent type, but we have a feeling he and Hannah will have a lot to talk about.
- Matteo once competed in a talent show where he chugged a gallon of milk in ten seconds.
- If he could have any job in the world, he would be a firefighter.
- First item on his bucket list: take someone to a ball in a castle.

Our Verdict:

...WHAT!! THIS MAN HAS 114 BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN. Is he even allowed to know that? Does he consider sperm donation a side job? Does he tell this fact to a lot of people? Doesn't it feel like no one person should have 114 biological children? Is no one concerned about the odds of 114 people meeting each other some day and having no idea they're siblings? This isn't an ice breaker, sir. This is alarming. This is a good deed gone too far.  


Matthew, 23, is from Newport Beach, California, and he's a "car bid spotter." 

Official Bio: 

Matthew works in the family business of auctioneering, mainly cars and motorcycles, but he is working toward getting a real estate license. He describes himself as quick-witted, adventurous and energetic, and he enjoys exercising, golfing and hanging out with friends. Matthew is into the ink and has a full sleeve on his left arm, a chest tattoo, two right-arm tattoos and four leg tattoos. Most people's bodies are their temples, but Matthew's is an art gallery.
- Matthew's 3-year-old sister is his favorite person.
- He grew up on his family's winery and would love to join that business one day.
- Matthew has never left the country and would love to see the world.

Our Verdict: 

As big fans of the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap, the fact that Matthew's family owns a winery is a big plus for us. 


Mike, 31, is from San Antonio, Texas. He's a portfolio manager. 

Official Bio: 

Mike is an Air Force vet who enjoys Krav Maga and going to trampoline parks. He has a lot of swag but is a romantic at heart. Mike says he's a "city boy who loves to get down and dirty," perfect for Alabama Hannah.
- Mike has been to 30 countries.
- He's so excited to meet Hannah, but is terrified that she will ask him to go skydiving with her.
- Mike really wants to learn Mandarin and get into Parkour.

Our Verdict: 

We're not yet saying yes, but we wouldn't say no. 


Peter, 27, is from Westlake Village in California. He's a pilot. 

Official Bio: 

In this pilot's family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Peter's parents met while his dad was a pilot and his mom was a flight attendant. When Peter is not flying the friendly skies, he enjoys snowboarding, watching football and line dancing. Peter's life motto is "you should live this life always expecting something great is about to happen to you." Could meeting Hannah be that next great thing?
- Peter's grandma's name is Rose.
- He once took a girl on a sunset flight to Santa Barbara for dinner.
- Even though he is a man of the world, Peter still lives at home.

Our Verdict: 

Once again, we like a pilot. We'd like a pilot better if he had his own home but whatever. 


Ryan, 25, is from Philadelphia. He has a degree in business, was a volunteer basketball coach for some time and claims to be a "roller boy." 

Official Bio: 

Ryan is an adventurous risk-taker from Philly. When he's not spending time outdoors hiking or rock climbing, he is passionately working as a data analyst to improve healthcare for women. Ryan says he's never been in love, but he's hoping that Hannah can change that.
- Ryan was his high school valedictorian.
- Ryan is a skilled tightrope walker: He once walked a 1" wire over a 300' canyon in Utah.
- Ryan's favorite food is ice cream.
- Though he loves being outdoors, birds freak him out.

Our Verdict: 

More people should be working to improve health care for women so thank you, Ryan. You can stay. 


28-year-old Scott is from Chicago. He's a software sales executive. 

Official Bio: 

Scott is a sales executive from the Windy City. When he's not closing deals, he likes to day drink with his buds on rooftops and watch sports. Scott says that he's a great catch because "I'm employed with a real job and have friends who are a blast to be around. Along with all that, I come from a great family." Okay, Scott, you've convinced us. Now it's up to you to make our Bachelorette feel the same.
- Scott is an admirer of Kris Jenner.
- He says he is very skilled at schmoozing waitresses into giving him free food and drinks.
- Just for fun, Scott once ran in a circle around the mall food court, acting like a flying chicken.

Our Verdict: 

Wow Scott, cool story about running around like a "flying chicken" in a mall food court. How very rAnDoM of you. 

Thomas S.

Thomas, 27, is from Southfield, Michigan. He studied communications and is an international pro basketball player. Or was? 

Offiicial Bio: 

Before Thomas was a national recruiter for big energy business, he was an international basketball star. He played overseas for a year but is happy to now have settled in Michigan where his family still lives. Thomas says the person he loves most in the world is his mother because she cares for him like no one else can. Will that change when he meets Hannah?
- Thomas' family has never met anyone he's dated.
- Thomas loves going to clubs and dancing to EDM music.
- His nickname in basketball was Mr. Fourth Quarter.

Our Verdict: 

The person who Thomas loves most in the world is his mother, but his mother has never met anyone he's dated? Something about that feels like danger, Will Robinson. 

Tyler C.

Tyler, 26, is from Jupiter, Florida. He's a model and general contractor and has an MBA. 

Official Bio: 

Don't let Tyler C.'s good looks fool you. This stud has his MBA from Florida Atlantic University and kills it as a general contractor in his hometown of Jupiter, Florida. When he's not working, he's spending time with his family, scuba diving and hanging out with his rescue dog, Harley. Tyler's only been in one serious relationship but says he will know when he meets the right one because that love will "smack him right in the face."
- Tyler LOVES to dance. He says his friends get embarrassed by how intense he gets on the dance floor, but he doesn't care.
- Tyler was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens but had to leave football because of a bad shoulder injury.
- Skydiving is at the top of Tyler's bucket list.

Our Verdict: 

Well hello to Tyler C. 

Tyler G.

Tyler, 28, is from Boca Raton, Florida. He's a psychology grad student, and we found out he's a former frat brother and is a "beer influencer," working in branding/marketing in the food and beverage industry.

Official Bio: 

Tyler G. is a very laid-back guy with a go-with-the-flow kind of attitude. He avoids clubs at all costs and would much rather spend time reading, going to Soul Cycle or relaxing on his boat. Tyler considers himself a modern romantic and is looking for his equal match, who he says is a confident girl that isn't afraid to lay it all out on the table and is one that can make him laugh. Knock, knock. Who's there? Hannah!
- Tyler's life goal is to get his PhD in psychology and become a clinical psychologist.
- He adheres to a strict Keto diet.
- Tyler has a side business in Dream Therapy Analysis.

Our Verdict: 

We're baffled and intrigued. Plus he's got a boat!

The Bachelorette premieres Monday, May 13 at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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