Game of Thrones Releases Chilling New Final Season Poster

What if the dragon's been the Iron Throne all along?

By Lauren Piester Mar 21, 2019 7:17 PMTags
Game of ThronesHBO

The final Game of Thrones is about to begin. 

HBO just released a brand new poster for the final season, which at first just looks like the top portion of that pesky Iron Throne everyone's fighting over. But look a little closer, and it turns out this throne's got eyes. Dragon eyes. 

There's no question that dragons will play a crucial part in this final season, especially in the fight against the White Walkers, who now have their own undead dragon, but is this also just more evidence that it should be a Targaryen butt sitting in that throne? Or is it more about how Daenerys and her dragons will stop at nothing for that throne, no matter whose butt actually deserves it? Or is it just a cool-looking poster? 

There are a million theories out there, but we really won't know until the final season finally airs. 

Everything We Know About the Game of Thrones Final Season

Season eight, which will consist of six extra-long episodes, apparently features a battle against the Army of the Dead that's so intense that it took nearly two months of outdoor night shoots and weeks of in-studio filming to complete, so we can only imagine that this poster is giving us pretty much everything we need to know about what to expect: blood, swords, and dragons. 

Everything we know about the final season can be found below. 

Arya's First Battle

The episode that is set to amaze audiences is also the first big battle for Arya Stark. Maisie Williams was told to start training a year before it. "But nothing can prepare you for how physically draining it is. It's night after night, and again and again, and it just doesn't stop. You can't get sick, and you have to look out for yourself because there's so much to do that nobody else can do… there are moments you're just broken as a human and just want to cry," she told EW.

Bring on the Funny

"The fans will not be let down," director David Nutter told EW. "There are a lot of firsts in these episodes. There's the funniest sequence I've ever shot on this show, the most emotional and compelling scene I've ever shot, and there's one scene where there's so many [major characters] together it feels like you're watching a superhero movie."

The Premiere Date

Winter the spring of 2019. HBO officially announced the final season will premiere sometime April 14, 2019.

There Was Intense Security

"I mean, we wouldn't get anything physical. We would have it on an app. We would get sent sides for the scene [we were shooting] the next day. So we would have to learn it all the day before," series star Sophie Turner told Digital Spy. "And once you've read it, it disappears 24 hours later, and you can never access it again. It's tighter than the White House security!"

Phone cameras were covered, the show had a special name while in production and so did the actors.

Super-sized Episodes

Director David Nutter revealed the traditional episode length of 60 minutes is out the window for the final season. While Nutter didn't say how long the installments will be during his Reddit AMA, he said he thinks episodes will "be longer than 60 minutes. They'll be dancing around the bigger numbers, I know that for sure."

Three Key Words

Nutter described the final season as "spectacular, inspiring, satisfying."

Big Twists

Of course details about the final season are being kept under wraps, but when asked if anything in the final season compared to the infamous Red Wedding, Nutter said, "as far as season [eight] compared to the Red Wedding I just have to tell you—hang onto your seat cause it's going to be special."

A Satisfying Ending?

"I'm completely satisfied with how season eight ends," Nutter said. He said co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss "did a tremendous job, and they took into consideration what the fans want, as well as what is right as far as storytelling is concerned."

"I guarantee there's going to be lots of surprises and shocking moments, but it's really very compelling stuff," he teased.

Or Maybe Not?

While Nutter may think it's satisfying, series star Kit Harington is well aware of picky fans.

"I think a TV series that's spanned eight, nine years is an incredibly difficult thing to end," Harington told MTV at TIFF. "I think not everyone's going to be happy, you know, and you can't please everyone. My favorite TV shows are Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and The Wire, and they all ended in a way that…It's never going to satisfy you."

Kit Harington Had All the Feels

Harington cried twice during the final table read. He went to the momentous occasion having not read a single script ahead of time. The tears came once while reading an episode and once at the very end. "The second time was the very end," Harington told EW, referring to the last page of the script for episode six. "Every season, you read at the end of the last script ‘End of Season 1,' or ‘End of Season 2.' This read ‘End of Game of Thrones.'"

It's "Bittersweet"

Expect the new season to make you a little weepy. "It's about all of these disparate characters coming together to face a common enemy, dealing with their own past, and defining the person they want to be in the face of certain death," co-executive producer Bryan Cogman told EW about the final season. "It's an incredibly emotional haunting bittersweet final season and I think it honors very much what [author George R.R. Martin] set out to do—which is flipping this kind of story on its head."

New Friends, Old Foes

According to EW, the season opens with Daenerys and her army arriving at Winterfell, and there's a "thrilling and tense intermingling of characters—some of whom have never previously met," as they prepare to face the Army of the Dead.

The Biggest Battle Ever

When your favorite Game of Thrones characters finally meet the Army of Dead, it will culminate in the biggest action sequence the show has ever done. "Battle of the Bastards" director Miguel Sapochnik helmed the intense sequence that took more than 55 nights of outdoor shoots and then filmed in studio for weeks after that.

"It's brutal," Peter Dinklage told EW. "It makes the Battle of the Bastards look like a theme park."

Man's Best Friend?

Jon Snow's direwolf, Ghost, will make a comeback. This will be his first time back since season six. "Oh, you'll see him again. He has a fair amount of screen time in season eight," Joe Bauer, the visual effects supervisor on Game of Thrones, told HuffPost. "He's very present and does some pretty cool things in season eight," Bauer teased.

Game of Thrones premieres Sunday, April 14 on HBO. 

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